On Sunday the 13th of September, 56 IMSMC members were present, 52 IMSMC cars were displayed (Concorso and Show n’ Shine combined) at the annual Concorso d’Eleganza held at Gough Whitlam Park.
Sydney turned on the perfect Spring day. The colours of our cars adding to the vibrant atmosphere.
All members are to be congratulated on the manner in which their cars were presented. A huge thank you to the number of members that assisted in the day. It was like a “working Bee” as stalls, flags, banners , tables and “The Cars” were set up in the morning, each contributing to a fantastic day. The same being required at the end of the day as well.
Our stall boasted the “tre-colori”, the Italian Made Logo beaming across the field, as our trophies glistened in the sun!
A Huge thank you to our sub-committee and judges for organising a perfect day. Mick & Cate Stivala, Nat Stillone, Rick Capollino, Gerardo Mediati & Vince Li Vaccari – THANK YOU!
Our results are listed on our web site. If it were possible, EVERY MEMBER deserves the Biggest Trophy – as everyone participating in the “spirit of the day” noticeable to passionisti alike!
It was a welcomed thought, in discussion, as someone pointed out, “It’s a great day, to see these cars and friends sharing the day. The biggest reward is seeing a very large group of young people sharing in the same. The children of our members & Friends!” We always encourage the involvement of our family & friends and it’s great to see this!
A special mention to member Leo Di Rocco, who had a mechanical incident on the way to concorso (it’s a historic motoring thing!). By hook or by crook, there was no way that his FIAT 600 was not going to be part of the 60th anniversary display. He performed a miracle, getting his car home, on a trailer and made his way to the concorso, all the same. A special effort reflecting “The Passion!”.

Thank you to everyone that participated, organised, assisted and shared in a great event!
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