Over fifty IMSMC vehicles shared in an experience, where four of Sydney's top Italian car clubs come together once a year, in great capacity, sharing
in one ideal; Italian made automotive genius. All four clubs had a great representation of Italian Automotive
As part of the celebrations, IMSMC celebrated and acknowledged the 70th anniversary of Abarth and the 50th anniversary of the Fiat 128.
A huge thank you to EVERYONE that participated and shared in the passion, sharing the significance of bringing four clubs together!
The four presidents, concured and picked one car from each club that reflected the brilliance of each club. The presidents of the three other clubs, chose the 1000OT Berlina, of Leo Di Rocco, as a fine example of Fiat/Abarth Brilliance, down to the final nut and bolt - It even has a right hand drive, drivers side windshield!
Congratulations Leo. This awarded Leo the perpetual trophy that has been donated to the club by Bob Young... the trophy has it's own historic story, which Bob will gladly explain to us all. Leo was awarded the presidents choice (combined four clubs) IMSMC Car of the day.
The four presidents, concured and picked one car from each club that reflected the brilliance of each club. The presidents of the three other clubs, chose the 1000OT Berlina, of Leo Di Rocco, as a fine example of Fiat/Abarth Brilliance, down to the final nut and bolt - It even has a right hand drive, drivers side windshield!
Congratulations Leo. This awarded Leo the perpetual trophy that has been donated to the club by Bob Young... the trophy has it's own historic story, which Bob will gladly explain to us all. Leo was awarded the presidents choice (combined four clubs) IMSMC Car of the day.

Our club sponsors are acknowledged every opportunity we have .We thank them for their contribution to concorso and the viability of our club, for the benefit of all. Thank you to the following sponsors;
Adrian and Rita Murer
Campisi Fine Food and Deli
Frank’s Pitstop Motors
Gladesville Auto Body Works
Napoli Excavations
Show Technology
Siderno Pasticceria
VRS Smash Repairs
Our acknowledgements go to the following members for their wonderfully presented cars;
Best Classic Fiat 500: Ross Tizzone 1969 500F
Best Modern: John Losinno. 2014 595 Arbath
Best 70th Anniverasry Arbarth: Vince Fragomeli ( 1969 1300 Lombardi)
Best 50th Anniversary Fiat 128: Cristian Parolin ( 1974, 128 Rally)
Best Sedan: Tony Campisi - Unveiled 1969 , Arbath 695.
Best Spider: Rocco Morizzi: 1969 FIAT 1500 Cabriolet
Committee encouragement: Fabio Santarelli and Joe Li Vaccari: co-owned 1964 Fiat 600
Four presidents' award: Best for IMSMC: Leo Di Rocco 1969 Arbath 1000 OT Berlina
The coupe' class was the biggest class and; hardest task to award. Over twenty cars participated in this class. We came up with two participants that could not go unnoticed nor differentiated;
Best Coupe': In alphabetical order;
Sebastian Ferla and Frank Roccisano: 1974 Fiat Coupe and; Fiat 850 1969 Sports Coupe.
A HUGE THANK YOU to all our participants – each car looked amazing!
Thank You IMSMC!
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