Sunday the 11th of October, saw over 90 members and family of IMSMC come together for a big Italian Picnic! What a day! The weather couldn’t make up its mind, with sun and rain on and off all day, but under the cover of “The Station” all was good. Good and bad, the weather would not stand in the way of making the event a huge success.
Wine, Food and more glorious food!
The day started wonderfully for the Di Rocco contingent. We were powering down the M4 when the Fiat 850 Spyder decided to stop running. After the usual checks we discovered the petrol “la Benzina” was not going into the carburettor!! Why is it so? The needle seat had come loose (probably vibrations) and the float had jammed shut, hence no flow. Success! Onwards and upwards, and on our way…Unfortunately this made us a little late.
The cars performed well along the M4, M7 and then Pennant Hills Road. Down the escarpment, the mighty machines negotiated the sharp bends like true thoroughbreds.
When we arrived all were busy setting up the picnic area. The area resembled a scene from star wars; everyone was busy and waiting for the imminent attack!
Gas barbeques in the undercover area were on; charcoal and wood burning barbeques just outside The Station perimeter were on and ready to go!
A special Thankyou must be made for the ladies and members who presented an array of homemade cakes including carrot cake, tiramisu, almond biscuits and crostoli.
Most of us were full before we started the barbeque lunch, nibbling on all the foods that were on offer, no one went hungry!
The coffee was espresso and plentiful! By now, all barbeques were fired up and ready to go, and out came the culinary delights. Homemade (spectacular) pork sausages, steaks of every shape, size and cut, salads of every description, home made chilli sauces and afterwards coffee yet again, this time with grappa!
Kathleen Toovey and husband Trevor accepted our invitation and participated in our picnic. Nice to see them both -They certainly enjoyed our Pannini and a glass of our "signature" shed red!
After lunch, everyone became involved in a game of Soccer! Some played, most watched, while others adjudicated. Discussion, laughter and indigestion were the only sounds that could be heard coming from “The Station”.
A group of our members lost themselves on the wireless laptop trying to decide on a FIAT colour for Joe Lecce’s 1100 project. ”I reckon original colour!!... No, No!!.. It has to be red!! White would be nice…” head spins! Anyhow Joe knows the colour his wife wants…
Charlie Losinno lost the shirt
of his back but only to let another member try it on.
Well the day had gotten away from us by now and it was time to pack up. All stowed, one last coffee and we were all homeward bound.
Our events are being attended by greater numbers of family and fiends. This is great to see. A great bunch of enthusiasts. We hope to see you all at the next event. Thankyou everyone!