At 9:00am, Parramatta Rd was transformed in to the Via Appuania, with Italian motor vehicles of all shapes and sizes, historic & modern classics, each greeted and respected by the Sunday morning traffic in Sydney.
.Auto Festa is a day of all things Italian (and some). Food, wine, fashion, engineering, song and dance It was estimated that the event was attended by over 150,000 MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC.
Certainly a substantial claim to being the biggest street Festa in all of Australia. We congratulate the organisers and thank Patrick O'Reilly of Impact exhibitors!
A huge THANKYOU TO CARMINE LOSINNO, ANDRES MENDES LOPES & ROSITA CARA, for graciously giving up their time carving up and serving the porchetta rolls for all to enjoy!
Our Club stall was in full swing - A SPECIAL MENTION TO HELEN CHANTELLE, for her efforts in manning our Bancarella - Thank you Helen.
It was wonderful to note the number of members that participated in the day, bringing along family and friends... in excess of 100!
A great display from IMSMC. Wonderfully participated.
A very big thank you to all members and guests who participated in the days event!