Our meeting place was McDonald's's at Thornleigh - (Thanks again Macca's!) and right on time (about half an hour late!) we were on our way, heading up the M1, What a sight! (see images and live stream on Facebook). Rob Losinno posting the live stream, a first for our IMSMC page and Elissa Losinno capturing many action shots. Thanks guys! Be sure to check our web site for images and these attached! Thanks Leo Di Rocco.
Our arrival was somewhat exciting, as security arranged (and re-arranged) our positioning - all conducive to enjoying our first refreshment.

A spectacular day by the seaside! Our cars looked great and attracted significant interest from the public, while the IMSMC crew, enjoyed the "passegiata" through "The Esplanade" where there were many stalls and of course, OYSTERS!
A special mention to member Joe Serratore who participated in an Oyster eating competition, picking up second prize! It seems Joe lost a few seconds on "start up" but he almost took out the prize!

As the "splendid day'' unfolded, (sunshine in abundance) members sought refuge in the Mantra Hotel, enjoying the air conditioning, food, refreshments and good company.
All good things conclude, with a mass exit of our stallions exiting Beach road, bound for Sydney...

A small number of members remaining behind and continued to enjoy the facilities, returning home on Monday morning.
A great event, 1000's of people, plenty to do and enjoy!
Thanks Ettalong!