The IMSMC contribution to the 2016 Auto Italia Canberra, began on
Saturday Morning the 2nd of April, with a rendezvous at Pheasants Nest. 18
Italian Classics (joined by many more as the weekend progressed) assembling and
rumbled to the Mackay VC rest area, for our traditional morning tea Italian style!
Hot & Mild sorpressa, smoked ham, mortadella, olives, capsicum, all
on freshly baked rolls (in abundance! We just couldn't get enough. Thank you to "CAMPISI
DELI", I know where I’ll be purchasing my small goods from now on! Our
traditional coffee "corretto" completed our brilliant start to the
Next Stop was Goulburn, for a re-fuel. Here we met up with ACT member’s
Brad Aitken and Geoff Hall. Brad is working tirelessly, co-ordinating our trip
to Tumut (TTT) and Geoff taking our group for a Sunday morning drive into the
Highest point in Canberra, The Red Hill Lookout.
Next Stop was Forrest, where members booked in to respective hotels and
re-grouped at The Realm Hotel, for a pleasant afternoon of refreshment and
Member Joe Lecce, for the first time, presented his recently restored
1972 FIAT 125 Special B. This car picked up the judges award for BEST FIAT
SEDAN. An absolute credit to you Joe, Congratulations.
In the category of Spider/Targa, member Riccardo Capolino was awarded
1st prize. Some of Rick's personal "touches" giving his little X-19
beauty the edge over some stiff opposition!
Sunday night saw 24 members and friends gather at Belluci's Restaurant
for "another party", which put the finishing touch to a fantastic

Well done IMSMC. Thank you!
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