59 members along with family and friends made up 156 attendees at our 2015 Christmas lunch,
A fantastic afternoon in Christmas spirit at IL PIATTO Restaurant in Horsley Park. Members are to be commended n transforming the carpark into "Via Piazza Navona" our cars looking spectacular in the perfect Spring morning.

Our Club raffle was a huge success. Where would be without our sponsors and enthusiastic executive, club and members alike! THANK YOU!!
We acknowledged the efforts of Alessandro Di Rocco, Elissa Losinno and Robert Losinno, for their ongoing support, as our Blog Master, Facebook master and CMC delegate respectively, volunteering their time for our benefit!
At the end of "formalities"... HO! HO! HO!... Santa arrived delighting all with gifts. Santa kept our younger attendees entertained for a good hour! Thank you Santa.

On behalf of the committee, we wish you all a wonderful Christmas and entire festive season. We thank you for your participation and enthusiasm. 2015, a very eventful and successful year. We look forward great times ahead in 2016.
Buone Feste!!!
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