Monday, August 25, 2014

Fairfield High School 60th Anniversary.

On Saturday the 23rd of August, a small group of IMSMCists, participated in
a display of cars at the Fairfield High School 60th anniversary

Our morning began with a rendezvous coffee at Club Marconi, then a cavalcade
down Horsley Drive toward the school.

The day was all about the school and what was "special" to ex students, when
they were at school. Naturally, everybody wanted an Italian Car, when they
were at school. As many of the past students are familiar of our club, we
were asked to create a display on the school grounds. Questions and interest
were abundant!

At one stage of the day, while observing school facilities, "music" was
heard coming from the school hall...some famous musicians making a guest
appearance to the delight of the 100's of onlookers! A special moment for

At the conclusion of the day, IMSMC showed its appreciation to the
participating members, which gave up their valuable Saturday, by "shouting
pizza" at the friendly venue of TerraNova Bar & Restaurant!

We did a good thing - participating in an event organised by the wider

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