Sunday the 12th of August, our club
represented "Italian Motoring" at the Ferro Agosto celebrations in
Five Dock.
Over 20 of our cars lined the
streets of Five Dock, creating the famous "gelato effect" with a splendour of colours. On probably the most "wintery day" that Sydney
has seen so far, it was amazing to see how many Sydney siders braved the
elements, with the crowd to have been estimated to over 70 000.
With great efficiency, our cars
moved off from the Shell garage on Parramatta road, made there way to Five
Dock. Once in position, our club stall was set up and our contribution to the
festa began.
Once again, many visitors had a
story to tell, of what our cars reminded them of ..."Back in my day, when
I was a younger man, I" etc. The pleasure of bringing a smile to an
"elders" face is most rewarding.
A huge thank-you to our helpers and
stall holders - a great deal of merchandise was sold on the day! Thanks ladies
& gentlemen, you know who you are!
A huge thank you, also, to the large
number of members that visited our stand (without their cars). Your support is
greatly appreciated and invaluable.