What a display! We had visitors around our cars all day, with most exclaiming how rare and wonderful our cars look. Many had a story to tell of the things they did in a car "the same
as this one"...in years gone by.

Members set up camp under the olive trees in an area reserved for our club... sharing homemade biscotti, coffee, and other slow food delights. Discussion, as always could be heard from all around!
At midday, the staff of Impact Exhibitions (event manager) provided everyone with a "Porchetta Roll" - Thankyou Patrick O'Reilly & Co.
I highly suggest you visit our website and Facebook page, for many images and video to view and share - Awesome job by Daniel Cipri, capturing the day on video - Check
it out!

Alessio Losinno knows who to make friends with!
Thank you IMSMC.