Our weekend contribution began with our meeting place at Pheasants Nest and onto the Mackay VC rest area for our "Morning (Italian Style) Breakfast". A huge thank you to our members that went "that extra mile" in picking up breakfast, serving it, sharing and consuming the fine food. Thank you; Pat & Mel Marando, Gerardo & Frances Mediati, Tony & Grace Campisi, Rino & Lena Zanello, Rick & Liana Capollino, Vito & Anna Mazzotta, Cate & Mick Stivala for all that you contributed to make the experience a memorable one! With the rest of us each making a contribution with, cake & homemade biscuits (Thanks Francesca Guerrera!) We cannot forget the sun dried tomatoes, green pickled tomatoes, the anchovies and the CHILLI provided by Anthony Vecchio! hope I haven't forgotten anyone? Thanks for the coffee, Leo & John Di Rocco !
A special mention to Frank Roccisano, that surprised us with 50 canolli, shared and enjoyed by all!
On arrival in Canberra, our tradition continued, with Drinks at the Osteni Bar, then, via a bus trip (Thanks IMSMC), Onto "Turkish Pide" restaurant, where the party continued.
On Sunday Morning, our good friend Geoff Hall, from the Fiat Club of ACT, created a 40minute Cavalcata thru the highlands of Canberra - a great drive, one that we should do again!
Our arrival at EPIC, created the "usual impact" that our presence creates. A club display was created (Going forward it is official ,IMSMC will have a reserved organised area). The format of the day was different this year - an experience for the organisers that certainly allows them to fine tune their procedures going forward.
We congratulate Charlie Losinno, who was awarded THE IAN CAMPBELL TROPHY, with his beautiful Fiat Topolino. Ian Campbell was instrumental in creating Auto Italia Canberra. The Trophy is awarded to a very special vehicle each year. Well done Charlie.
Our Sunday Night was concluded with a meal at Bellucci's Restaurant - another tradition for IMSMC.
The remainder of members heading home together on Monday morning. A great sight, to see so many Italian classics cruising together. The Hume Hwy looks its best when we are on it!!