On Saturday and Sunday the 4th and 5th Of November, 26
members and 15 cars participated in a weekend in Yass as part of the Classic
Yass car festival.
Our departure from Pheasants Nest, creating a cavalcade for
the next approximate 200kms to the wonderful Yass Valley, into Banjo Paterson
Park. Somehow we created a grand entrance, as the public immediately noticing
that the Italian classics had come to town.

Food stalls in abundance, with artifacts of yesteryear on
display and for sale - some members obtaining some of those "hard to find
The park was full of wonderful cars, of all makes and sizes
pre 1980! Amazingly, over 300 vehicles on display.
Members enjoyed a great country lunch and beverage, as only
country towns can provide!

Our Saturday night involved a gathering (via a courtesy bus)
to The Soldiers club of Yass, where we enjoyed music of the 60's & 70's, by
THE HIPS, containing 2 of the original members of Ol 55' . Halfway during the
night, we were entertained by the local Dance group, turning on a wonderful
display of Jive, Rock n Roll, Charleston Dance! What a delight!
Sunday morning saw the crew reassemble for breakfast - soon
after on our way, bound for Home!
One must report that the traffic allowing
our vehicles to remain in single file for the trip home, showing respect for
our classic vehicles with a honk & a wave!
A great weekend enjoyed by all.