We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day for the event and in usual IMSMC style it was not long before the homemade salami, wine and lemoncello was being enjoyed, as members picnicked under the shady trees.
A BIG thank you goes to the following:-
Nat Stillone for his organisational skills in parking our display of cars today and acting as our judging Co-ordinator.
Our concorso judges, Tony Albanese, Rob Losinno, Tony Portelli, Vince Li Vaccari, Giovanni Melissari and Joseph Scarcella, who smoothly carried out the scoring notable mention to
Ivana Perri for assisting with the score tallying.
IMSMC would like to thank all our sponsors for contributing towards our beautiful trophies.
· Gladesville Auto Bodyworks
· Campisi Fine Food Deli
· High Performance Smash Repairs
· Fine Serve Autotmotive
· Frank’s Pitstop Motors
· Napoli Excavations
· Prime Real Estate Agents
· Oran Park Town CafĂ©
· Il Magazzino
Congratulations to all the trophy winners, especially to new member, Bob Young, who took home the “Best Car of the Day” trophy, for his beautiful Lancia!