Sunday, August 4, 2024

Motori Italiani

Sunday the 4th of August, saw 51 members, along with families, totalling a group of over 80, with 48 cars, at Terranova on the Grange, for a display of Motori Italiani!

One by one they entered the car park, creating a wonderful display of fine Italian, historic and modern auto's!

Steak & sausage sandwiches were available, pizza too... and for those who chose, a separate menu was organised in a seated area, within the restaurant! The kitchen was put to work and everyone was happy with the outcome. Fine food indeed.

It was certainly a great opportunity to catch up and enjoy a wonderful day together!

We thank the management & staff of Terranova for accommodating and catering to our every need, in their own way!

The IMSMC contribution to the day was extremely significant with 6 trophies on offer.... our club "cleaned up!" Including , best modern & historic classes for; sedans, convertibles, coupe's... and a special interest category!

The day completed with a trophy presentation;

Historic Sedan: Giuseppe Lecce: 1963 Fiat 1100

Modern Sedan: Julia Fakhouri: Abarth 695

Historic Convertible: Tony Albanese: 1968 Alfa Romeo

Historic Coupe': Leo Di Rocco: 1964 Fiat 850 Sport

Modern Coupe': Nat Stillone: 2002 Maserati Cabrio

Special Interest: John Losinno: 1989 Alfa Romeo - Carabiniere.

We'll always do our best to participate and contribute to the wider community! It was estimated that approximately 400 visitors, enjoyed participating in our presentation!

Thank You IMSMC!1

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