Monday, August 26, 2024

Eastern Creek Classic 2024

Sunday the 25th of August, IMSMC, participated in the Council of Motor Clubs, Sydney motorsport raceway, Eastern Creek classic. 

19 IMSMC cars assembled in Area C, 5 x Fiat 850's were on pitt lane , as a celebration of the 60th anniversary of this great little car.  One Fiat 1100 sedan, was entered into the president's concourse representing our club. Each participant received a commemorative medallion of the 2024 event!

The day was buzzing with many historic classic cars of all makes and models... Our lap was held at 9:50am, each assembling in an orderly fashion and completed their "parade" without incident! 

So many comments from the general public at the conclusion of our lap, "These cars all sound fantastic"

The day proceeded with many visitors to our various displays... so many positive comments and interest in our great cars! Well done IMSMC. A fine contribution!

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