Monday, August 26, 2024

Eastern Creek Classic 2024

Sunday the 25th of August, IMSMC, participated in the Council of Motor Clubs, Sydney motorsport raceway, Eastern Creek classic. 

19 IMSMC cars assembled in Area C, 5 x Fiat 850's were on pitt lane , as a celebration of the 60th anniversary of this great little car.  One Fiat 1100 sedan, was entered into the president's concourse representing our club. Each participant received a commemorative medallion of the 2024 event!

The day was buzzing with many historic classic cars of all makes and models... Our lap was held at 9:50am, each assembling in an orderly fashion and completed their "parade" without incident! 

So many comments from the general public at the conclusion of our lap, "These cars all sound fantastic"

The day proceeded with many visitors to our various displays... so many positive comments and interest in our great cars! Well done IMSMC. A fine contribution!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

FerrAgosto 2024

Our day began with an 8am arrival and an 815am departure from the Officeworks carpark in Five Dock. In an orderly fashion, we created a wonderful display of Italian cars (all historic this year) along Parramatta Rd, bound for the streets of Five Dock.

Waves and smiles were plentiful! Upon arrival, on Second avenue, our reverse parking skills were put to the test and the display was complete. 21 classic Italian motor vehicles in all their glory. Our display attracted a crowd throughout the day - all day in fact.. many questions and so many stories told by people reminiscing about their experiences in cars like ours back in the day!

The streets of Five Dock were buzzing, everything from refreshing gelato, drinks, through to hot pizza, porchetta rolls and SO MUCH MORE, including live entertainment.

One familiar face (pictured) could not decide on which was his favourite car... when he was asked if he liked them all, he replied, "YES!"

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Motori Italiani

Sunday the 4th of August, saw 51 members, along with families, totalling a group of over 80, with 48 cars, at Terranova on the Grange, for a display of Motori Italiani!

One by one they entered the car park, creating a wonderful display of fine Italian, historic and modern auto's!

Steak & sausage sandwiches were available, pizza too... and for those who chose, a separate menu was organised in a seated area, within the restaurant! The kitchen was put to work and everyone was happy with the outcome. Fine food indeed.

It was certainly a great opportunity to catch up and enjoy a wonderful day together!

We thank the management & staff of Terranova for accommodating and catering to our every need, in their own way!

The IMSMC contribution to the day was extremely significant with 6 trophies on offer.... our club "cleaned up!" Including , best modern & historic classes for; sedans, convertibles, coupe's... and a special interest category!

The day completed with a trophy presentation;

Historic Sedan: Giuseppe Lecce: 1963 Fiat 1100

Modern Sedan: Julia Fakhouri: Abarth 695

Historic Convertible: Tony Albanese: 1968 Alfa Romeo

Historic Coupe': Leo Di Rocco: 1964 Fiat 850 Sport

Modern Coupe': Nat Stillone: 2002 Maserati Cabrio

Special Interest: John Losinno: 1989 Alfa Romeo - Carabiniere.

We'll always do our best to participate and contribute to the wider community! It was estimated that approximately 400 visitors, enjoyed participating in our presentation!

Thank You IMSMC!1