Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Haynes Flat Picnic

Sunday the 19th of May, 42 members & Family participated in our Picnic, at Haynes Flat within the Lane Cove National Park.

 Quite a fresh morning, but as the degrees increased, so too did the arrivals. Before long our "entirely dedicated" picnic area, was invaded by IMSMC cars, people, food & drink! Definitely never a shortage of fine cuisine at each of our events... 99% of it HOME made... or should we say, "Italian Made".

The traditional game of soccer (albeit it quite small) and Bocce took place, providing entertainment for our young at heart & children.

The food sharing/tasting was abundant... and in true Italian Style, TOO MUCH FOOD!! (is that possible?)


A nice relaxing afternoon... we'll do that again!

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