Thursday, May 30, 2024

Festa Della Repubblica Carnes Hill

On Wednesday the 29th of May, 16 x IMSMC members with partners, were invited to a celebration of La Festa Della Repubblica in Carnes Hill. The invitation was an expression of thanks to all supporters & sponsors of the Allora newspaper & respective association. A four course meal was enjoyed by all, after a number of dignitaries welcomed the large group to the lunch, paying respect to Australia, Italy and all "Italo-Australiani".


A fund raiser was held, resulting in 3 prizes gathered by our group.


In true Italian style, there was loud discussion, laughter and dancing! A wonderful afternoon, enjoyed by all.


Monday, May 27, 2024

Festa Della Repubblica 2024

On Sunday the 26th of May, 40 x IMSMC cars were presented at Club Marconi, Bossley Park, as a contribution to the Festa Della Repubblica. In total, 71 members brought family and friends making up significant numbers.

EVERY ONE of our cars looked FANTASTIC. They attracted huge crowds as visitors to our display, created a mood of ITALIANISSIMO - a significant contribution to all things Italian on the day.

This year we had an unveiling of a beautiful 1965 Fiat 1100 Riviera, presented by Giuseppe Lecce. A real credit to him. Well done Giuseppe! This car was elected by the Marconi Executive, giving him  wonderful recognition of his beautiful creation. Gerardo Mediati, was also given recognition of his beautifully presented 1957 FIAT 600 Multipla, as was Natale Stillone, with his recently acquired 1969 FIAT ( AutoBianchi) Giardiniera.

This year we also honoured Lino De Iulio, who we lost in January. Lino always took part in this iconic yearly event, since our clubs first appearance in 2008 and was certainly fundamental in developing the strong association that exists between Club Marconi and IMSMC. Oriana De Iulio was presented a trophy, in Lino's honour.

A huge thankyou to Oriana De Iulio, Maria & Carmel Losinno, Sara Chiapetta, for their time devoted in the day to the club stall.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Haynes Flat Picnic

Sunday the 19th of May, 42 members & Family participated in our Picnic, at Haynes Flat within the Lane Cove National Park.

 Quite a fresh morning, but as the degrees increased, so too did the arrivals. Before long our "entirely dedicated" picnic area, was invaded by IMSMC cars, people, food & drink! Definitely never a shortage of fine cuisine at each of our events... 99% of it HOME made... or should we say, "Italian Made".

The traditional game of soccer (albeit it quite small) and Bocce took place, providing entertainment for our young at heart & children.

The food sharing/tasting was abundant... and in true Italian Style, TOO MUCH FOOD!! (is that possible?)


A nice relaxing afternoon... we'll do that again!