Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What a glorious morning Friday the 21st May was! The cars were a sight to be seen! A beautiful combination of Fiats,Alfa Romeos,Ferraris, Maseratis and everything inbetween! In total 25 cars. All lined up and ready to take off!

Members arrived at 7:15am with not many cars on display yet, The coordinator began to line the cars up as they drove into the piazza of the Italian Forum. Particiapants were all given a breakfast pass for a free breakfast of bacon eggs and sausage on a roll, as well as a nice hot coffee. Delicious!

The cars that were to participate in the drive from Norton st to Lygon St were first scruntinzed and then given the go ahead with an official sticker,In total about 10 cars were participating in the charity rally this year.

I had a discussion with Robert Dunn, the organiser of the event, and he congratulated us, The Italian Made Social Motoring Club, for supporting this event, expressing his wishes that hopefully members would join the convoy to Melbourne next year.

Regards Maurizio Puglisi

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