Monday, July 15, 2024

Haynes Flat

Oh what a day! Sydney( Lane Cove) turned on a spectacular day, for 60+ members, family and friends, to enjoy an abundance of pizza, special foods, beverages and great company at Haynes Flat.
From the early arrivals, to the late departures, sharing of each other's homemade delights was the order of the day! While sharing all these goodies, it was with great anticipation that we awaited the arrival of the pizza man... and right on cue, the truck was spotted, guided into place, and the cooking began. 

It was feared, initially, that they weren't going to keep up with a bunch of hungry IMSMC'ists... but, they did a great job, with a few pizza's left over at the end of the day. Interestingly... NO NUTELLA PIZZAS were leftover.

Wonderful to see so many old faces, that have joined our club recently... they too bringing family & friends for a great day!

Monday, July 8, 2024

AGM 2024

Sunday the 7th of July,  saw 53 members along with 13 partners, participate in our annual general meeting at Club Marconi, Bossley Park, in the Michelini room.

The meeting was very informative! Financials were presented to every member. Forthcoming events for the remainder of the year were presented, with overwhelming interest shown by our assembly.

With formalities completed, each person enjoyed  the "famous" Marconi pasta dishes of penne napoletana & tortellini boscaiola! The staff & management of Club Marconi, are to be commended on their generosity, efficiency and support shown to our club. THANK YOU CLUB MARCONI

A wonderful Lemoncello cake from Siderno Pasticceria , topped off our desert, with everyone exclaiming how exquisite the cake was!

Our club raffle was a huge success, supported by our famous group of enthusiasts. We thank our sponsors, and all those that donated for the huge success. This assists our Club to donate to various Charities, in the forthcoming year.

The committee, remains unchanged - We thank them for their continued efforts in maintaining enthusiasm & diverse interests, maintaining a greatly successful club.

Our Committee for 2024/25 is;

President: John Di Rocco

Vice President: Elissa Losinno

Secretary: Corey Hoskin

Treasurer & Plates Registrar: Leo Di Rocco

Committee Representatives;

Robert Losinno

Michael Stivala

Cate Stivala